产品介绍HT1623 is a peripheral device specially designed for I/O type MCU used to expand the display capability. The max. display segment of the device are 384 patterns (48x8). It also supports serial interface, buzzer sound, watchdog timer or time base timer functions. The HT1623 is a memory mapping and multi-function LCD controller. The software configuration feature of the HT1623 make it suitable for multiple LCD applications including LCD modules and display subsystems. Only three lines are required for the interface between the host controller and the HT1623. The HT162X series have many kinds of products that match various applications产品属性Operating voltage: 2.7V~5.2V Built-in RC oscillator External 32.768kHz crystal or 32kHz frequency source input 1/4 bias, 1/8 duty, frame frequency is 64Hz Max. 48x8 patterns, 8 commons, 48 segments Built-in internal resistor type bias generator 3-wire serial interface 8 kinds of time base/WDT selection Time base or WDT overflow output Built-in LCD display RAM R/W address auto increment Two selection buzzer frequencies (2kHz/4kHz) Power down command reduces power consumption Software configuration feature Data mode and Command mode instructions Three data accessing modes VLCD pin to adjust LCD operating voltage HT1623: 100-pin LQFP package 其他说明 视旗重视服务体系的建立和服务团队的培养。经过多年的发展,已经拥有完善的服务体系(售前的方案咨询、售中的产品应用和售后的技术支持),并以辐射长三角,珠三角的分支机构和服务中心为依托,为客户提供最全面、本地化的有效服务和应用支持。提供完善的产品服务和技术支持,与用户建立长期的双赢合作伙伴关系,帮助企业创造最大价值。展望未来,将不断采用最新技术,适时推出新产品、新版本,满足广大客户日益高涨的应用需求。秉承企业理念,将以企业信息化为己任,技术产品为生命,客户满意为目标,主动进取、不断创新。行业的竞争,就是服务的竞争;服务的竞争,就是人才的竞争;而人才的竞争就是观念的竞争,我们尽力向您提供高品质的服务,忠诚于您所关心的每一个细节,并竭诚为您进行周密的方案设计,我们正期待您的垂青与支持。我们保证向客户提供最佳的产品和服务,并通过与优秀的行业伙伴的合作来提高产品性能。我们的目标是持续超越客户不断增长的期望,团队精神是我们达成共同目标的保障。我们更看重产品及服务给客户创造的价值,为此我们不遗余力地把产品及服务最优化,把最优质的产品及最真心的服务奉献给广大客户。交易说明视旗在香港和上海均备有库存,可以满足客户短交期的要求。人民币/美金/港币/台币/日元交易均可对应。